quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

It's a fuckin Rock 'n Roll moment man...

Sou comum....curto bandas que, quando sobem ao palco, pegam os instrumentos e tocam o rock como deve ser tocado, com agressividade, atitude, passando uma mensagem decente. E mais importante que tudo isso, que marquem as pessoas de alguma forma.
Eu já disse isso aqui várias vezes, mas vou repetir....sou azarado em relação a boas bandas de Rock. Azarado no sentido de que descubro essas bandas depois que elas passaram pelo Brasil, ou depois que elas acabaram, ou depois que um integrante morreu.... Mas não ligo.... Fazer o quê ???
A banda que vou falar hoje é um exemplo claro disso.... descobri Libertines depois que eles passaram pelo Brasil e depois que eles acabaram, ainda bem que nenhum integrante morreu...rsrsrs (apesar de Peter Doherty tentar diariamente morrer de overdose...rsrs)
Tenho os dois discos deles, lançados em 2002 (Up the Bracket) e 2004 (The Libertines). Geralmente não escolho músicas de trabalho (single) pra mostrar a todos, mas hj resolvi escolher.... até pq Up the Bracket é muito foda!!!
Não arrumei o vídeo de Don't be Shy, mas ouçam esse som.... é muito foda!!!!

Up the Bracket

I saw two shadow men on the Vallance Road
Said they'd pay me for your address
Oh I was so bold

I said you see these two cold fingers
These crooked fingers I show
Yous a way to mean no

Well they didn't like that much I can tell you
Said "sunshine I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes"
They chased me up two flights of stairs
Caught me in the lift how I sighed and said
Hello, 'cause you're impossible

But it's just like he's in another world
He doesn't see the danger on show
Wind up like Joseph bloody in a hole

And it's just like she's in another world
And how they suit each other oh no
'Cause you never get close
It's impossible

Saw the same two men on the Cally road
Said now they'd double their offer
I was so bold

To say you see these two cold fingers
These crooked fingers I show
Oh yous a way to mean no

But it's just like he's in another world
He doesn't see the danger on show
He'll end up like Joseph bloody in a hole

It's just like she's in another world
How they suit each other oh no
But you never get close
It's unstoppable

But it's just like we're all in another world
How we suit each other oh no
But we never get close

But it's just like we're all in another world
How they suit each other oh no
But you never get close
That's close enough now ...

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